Dec 19, 2008

Casamento Tia Te.

Mamae, Tia Te e Vovó. Lindas xoxoxoxo!!

Dec 14, 2008

Michel Design Works - Gift Ideas

Castelbel Porto - Luxury Soap

Located deep in the Douro Valley of Northern Portugal, where the hills fall steeply down to the water edge and the land is covered with sun-drenched terraces of vines and olive groves, is Castelbel, a traditional Portuguese company dedicated to the manufacture of soaps and home fragrance products. The soaps are produced following a 300-year old tradition of purity and excellence. Soaps are tripled milled, the finest available. Exquisite fragrances are combined with highet quality olive, palm and coconut oils to make these soaps truly beneficial to the skin. Gently cleaning and luxuriously moisturizing.

Today I Love - color glassware!

The Laguiole knife

The Laguiole knife has been crafted in the heart of France for over 200 years.
The bumblebee that is found on all of the Laguiole knives is one of the emblems of the era, signifying its reliability.
The blade is made of high-grade stainless steel, is stamped, ground and then polished with over 25 different manual production stages.

Dec 10, 2008

Pommes duchesse (batatas à duquesa)

700g de batatas

70g de manteiga extra sem sal

2 gemas

2 colheres de sopa de queijo parmesão ralado

1 ovo batido ligeiramente para pincelarsal e

pimenta-do-reino moída na hora a gosto

manteiga para untar

Cozinhe as batatas com casca em água temperada com sal. Pele as batatas, amasse-as no espremedor e passe-as pela peneira (usei o passe-vite).Numa frigideira de fundo grosso, trabalhe o purê com uma espátula, ou com colher de pau, mexendo vigorosamente em fogo forte, para fazer evaporar a umidade da batata.Quando o purê estiver bem seco, retire a frigideira do fogo e misture a manteiga, as gemas, o queijo ralado, a pimenta e o sal. Bata mais uma vez.Coloque em um saco de confeitar com bico canelado e pingue o purê sobre um tabuleiro untado com manteiga, formando brioches, bordaduras, bolinhas ou outras composições. Pincele com ovo e leve ao forno médio apenas para dourar.

Dec 3, 2008

Dinning room sofa

I'm liking the idea of putting a sofa on one side of the dinning room table.